Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

(Try and imagine "We wish you a Merry Christmas" playing in your head while you read!)
My family and I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!
We hope you all have a safe and wonderful holiday with your family and that you always remember that Jesus is the reason for the season!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Birthday to my other 1/2!

Today is very important because.........its my wonderful husbands birthday!
Today he turned 32 years old, man oh man how the time has flown by.

I remember when we started dating and I thought he was so old then. He was only 25 and I was just turning 19. Fast forward seven years and now I'm 26 which makes me a year older than he was when we started dating and I have changed my whole outlook on thinking that 25 was SO old afterall. When we met Josh was very shy and he still is to a point but sometimes he shocks me with some of the things that pop out of his mouth or how he'll talk and joke with people that he barely knows because that would have never happened a few years back. Yep, I think me and my loud mouth is rubbing off on him! It's amazing how time can change things.

I just want you to know how much I love and appreciate you. When you came into my life, seven years ago, you changed me for the better. I'm so thankful that the Lord blessed me with such a great husband and wonderful father for our daughter. When I watch you with Maddie it makes me smile. I know we are so busy at times that I don't get to tell you how much you mean to me, but please remember that I do LOVE you and I wouldn't change our life in anyway.
You wife

Happy 32nd Birthday Daddy!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

YES.....I am still alive

Man oh man where has the time gone?? I look at my blog and think of how I have neglected it so much these last few months. As I sit here and type the word MONTHS, I think has it really been that stinkin' long?? There are so many things that I want to go and back blog much that needs to be said and even more things that Maddie has done that really needs to be added and many birthdays that need to be wished and lets not forget about those anniversaries.

Ok, so the truth is everytime I think about logging on and blogging about something that is current, I start thinking about all the things that I have missed and honestly it makes me want to just wait a little longer and then POOF, the next thing I know its been two months and its the week of Christmas.

So, I'm going to start from here forward and as I get time work on my back blogging. Be sure to scroll down every now and again because there will be new posts that are actually old (you know what I mean) that will pop up. I hope everyone one is well!