Thursday, May 28, 2009

What's the deal???

I'm just sitting here wondering what in the world happened to my little girl that was only sick and went to the doctor ONE time between her 2 and 3 year old well checkup??? I'm not sure what happended to her but I want her back...NOW! No joke, we have been to see the doctor at least once a week for the last 4 weeks! Last week it was pink eye (which Maddie referred to as her sick eye), the week before it was a stomach virus and as of today, she has the beginning of an ear infection in her left ear. How in the world does she possibly have a ear infection when we were just there last Wednesday and everything was perfectly clear...well except her poor, little, sick, pink eye. Needless to say she is now on antibiotics for 10 days. I know I shouldn't be complaining because all in all she's a very healthy, happy girl but I'm praying my baby gets a brake from all this sickness very soon!

I hope to post pictures soon from our adventures the last couple of weekends. I've been really busy at work and home and haven't had a chance to upload my pictures yet. But keep checking back in because I promise I'll be posting more really soon!!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spring Recital

Last Saturday, May 9th, Maddie had her first Spring Recital! We are so proud of how good she done! She looked so precious in her brightly colored costume, as did all the other girls.

Maddie started her 1st year of dance last August at 2 years old. She was and still is the youngest in the bunch but has done very well with the class. The 19th of this month will be her last class for this dance year but they will perform for the nursing home on the 21st. I just wanted to share a few pictures of her at dress rehearsal and her the big day!!

At rehearsal!

She was so excited on her big day!

Maddie with her Nene (my mother)!

Josh and I are soooo proud of our baby girl!!! I know it's hard to tell! HA!
Sorry about the picture being so cut off but what can I say, Nene took it!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Just getting started....

Hello everyone! I've finally decided it's time to get in on the wonderful world of blogging!! I'm really excited to get started and I think its the perfect way to keep everyone informed on what's going on in our lives. I also want to be able to document all the little and BIG things that happen from day to day so that when Maddie is older she will be able to enjoy reading them. Check back soon because there is more to come!!!